- Une face en laque de couleur sur un fond de feuilles dorées à décor de fleurs et d'insectes magnolias.
- Signé et monogrammé en bas à droite.
- Au dos, technique de la laque "déchirée", décor gravé de phénix (harigaki), oiseaux et papillons.
- Ce paravent n'est pas restauré et présente un certain nombre de petites éraflures/pertes (voir photos), principalement sur la face arrière. Une petite restauration lui redonnerait tout son éclat.
Pierre Bobot (1902-1974) was a French lacquer artist known for his innovative use of synthetic lacquers. After studying at the École Bernard Palissy and the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, he opened his workshop in 1923 and became a restorer for Museums and National Palaces. Bobot’s work often showcased panoramic views of Paris and nature scenes, incorporating ornamental motifs. He exhibited at major salons from 1932 and collaborated with renowned designers. As the only lacquer professor in France from 1934 to 1968, he taught complex techniques at the École des Arts Appliqués in Paris. The oeuvre we present includes both Japanese and Chinese-style lacquer, featuring feuilles d'or and harigaki technique applied on the back.
- One side features colored lacquer on a background of gilded leaves, adorned with floral and insect motifs of magnolias.
- Signed and monogrammed in the lower right corner.
- The reverse side showcases the “torn” lacquer technique, with engraved decorations of phoenixes (harigaki), birds, and butterflies.
- This screen has not been restored and shows a number of small scratches and losses (see photos), primarily on the back side. A small restoration would restore its former brilliance.